Photo Gallery -- Page Five
Bob and Nancy Holder. |
Phyllis and Dale Messick, creator of Brenda Starr. |
Bob with Henry Steeger, founder of Popular Publications. |
Bob with Walter Gibson, author of The Shadow. |
Bob with pulp artist, Norman Saunders. |
Alex Schomburg talkes with Muphy Anderson, two great comic book & sf artists. |
Years ago, famous pulp artist, J. Fleming Gould demonstrates how he works at PULPcon. |
Bob Wiener (standing) and Glenn Lord at a special dinner for Novaline Price Ellis, Robert E. Howard's girlfriend. |
Lori Perkins (our agent) and Bob's co-author on numerous books, Lois Gresh, in NYC. |
Richard Clear shows off an original Brundage Weird Tales cover painting at PULPcon one year. |
Another Brundage Weird Tales cover painting exhibited one year at PULPcon. |
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